It would be wonderful to have a district that provided all that a teacher needs to be successful but in the age of budget cuts and ominous regulations we’d better not hold our breath! This series of posts on creating your own Personal Learning Network by using 21st Century Skills is meant to start you on a path towards filling in some of the gaps. We can’t continue to expect someone to be there to spoon feed us information to keep us current. We wouldn't want that for our students, so why do we sink to the lowest common denominator ourselves?
I hope that you will be able to use your critical thinking skills to decide what type of PLN you need vs. what you want to reach your future goals. Some ideas you may come across are cutting edge while some might be too good to be true. Use your PLN to get real life reviews of what works and what doesn’t and ask questions about things that you don’t understand.
This is the start of possibly many new and wonderful doors opening to you and your students. Make the most of it, choose wisely and don’t forget that we can never stop learning!
*I’ve included a few more links to help you on your quest to create a 21st Century PLN.
- Cybraryman's Educational Web Sites
- 8 Ideas, 10 Guides, And 17 Tools For A Better Professional Learning Network
- Part 2…Professional Education Learning Communities…5 Easy Steps…50 Links…Goldmine of Resources
- All Things PLC
- The Educator's PLN
- Connected Educators
- 100 High School Teacher Blogs To Start Reading
- The Teacher’s A-Z Guide To Important Education Resources
- 25 Ways Teachers Can Connect More With Their Colleagues
- Top 25 Social Networks for Educators
PLN'S and the 4 C’s of 21st Century Learning (Part 3)